We recommend that you complete the exercises in the RPM™ Vision Planner once each year. The RPM™ Vision Planner is where you capture your life’s inspiration – where you solidify your mission and commit to your purpose. The RPM™ Vision Planner is one of three journals in the RPM™ System, along with the RPM™ Success Journal and the RPM™ Life Planner.
How does this planner differ from the RPM™ Success Journal and the RPM™ Life Planner?. It’s where you design your ideal life, and create a plan to make your vision real.
Then, you’ll complete a planning process to ensure you start making progress toward your goals immediately. This planner will guide you through exercises designed to uncover your true desires and dreams – what you really want in every area of your life. Tony Robbins’ RPM™ Vision Planner incorporates an entirely new system of thinking, unlike any other traditional planner or journal.
What differentiates the RPM™ Vision Planner from other journals or planners?. Today, Tony is the owner or part-owner of 55+ businesses with combined sales of more than $6 billion a year, and still has the time and energy to contribute substantially to the causes that he cares most about. Once he made that shift, he experienced massive success. It changed his way of thinking and that caused him to focus on the results rather than tasks and associate them to his purpose. That’s when he created the RPM™ System and applied it in his life. He needed a simple, clear, step-by-step system for successfully achieving his goals. Like many people, Tony had huge dreams about what he could accomplish in life and wasn’t satisfied just thinking about it. Yes – in fact, this planner is part of the RPM™ System that Tony designed for his own life in 1978, and has used ever since. Has Tony personally used the RPM™ Vision Planner?. With this planner, your life becomes a masterpiece of your own creation. With the RPM™ Vision Planner, you’ll design a life that truly excites you – you’ll set goals that pull you effortlessly toward them. Within the pages of this annual planner, you’ll find space to connect with what really matters to you and associate deeply to your “why,” to focus on exactly where you want to improve in your life, and to create a plan to complete awesome projects – to turn all those things you want to do “someday” into things you have accomplished. Its luxurious cover and classic styling mean this journal will complement any workspace and will stun in any meeting. The RPM™ Vision Planner is a thoughtful designed and tactically minded 7.5” x 10” journal that fits perfectly in a bag, briefcase or backpack – where you will create massive action plans to create the life you desire – a life of meaning, purpose, fulfillment and achievement. Tap into your unlimited potential and life’s unlimited abundance when you consciously design your upcoming year with prompts to get your mindset primed for success, worksheets to map out your intentions for every area of your life, and psychology training and tips to make sure you follow through on your vision.
With this planner, you’ll connect deeply to your desires and define exactly what your ideal life looks like – and you’ll create dynamic massive action plans to achieve that life.
The RPM™ Vision Planner is where you create your life’s plan. You can’t have a plan for your days if you don’t have a plan for your life.