Using the Torx T8 screwdriver bit, unscrew the screws for the wireless shroud. Replacing the original drive even with a like-for-like HDD may mean the fans run at 100% Disconnect the Hard drive and remove. 5-6 years is the lifespan of a hard drive so you can replace it on those durations. The smaller 20" model was also upgraded a bit to 21.5". I actually had a lot of difficulty trying. 1-16 of 670 results for "2011 imac hard drive" OWC 2.0TB HDD Upgrade Kit for All 2011 iMac Models. Well, the video card died and Apple wants $606 to replace it. If you want, tell me which Mini you have and ill give you the service manual for it. Twist the black base counter-clockwise to unlock the base, and gently lift the base clear of the device. STEP 9: INSTALL OS-X OR RESTORE BACKUP TO SSD.

iMac hard drive failure and replacement A really common problem on iMacs unfortunately as a large amount of heat is generated inside that nice sleek aluminium housing. L pAm is the mean A-weighted sound pressure level measured at the operator position (rounded to the nearest dB). My 2011 27 inch iMac has been a work horse. Moving right along to the actual question of how long a Mac will last, it's been my experience that most Macs are reliable for at least 7 or 8 years, as long as you've taken proper care. An Apple Store (not Apple service provider) charger approx £50 ex VAT for labour.
Learn more about how to recycle your Mac. If you buy the vertex 3, you will get a 2.5" adapter that you can use even in the iMac.